Mushroom Fairy Flower Ring

  • Treated pine logs
  • Rapid set concrete 
  • Large galvanised coach-screws
  • Red kitchen bowls
  • Plastic lawn edging
  • Potting mixture
  • White paint
  • Plants
  • BYO fairy!
  • Mushrooms
  1. Cut off three lengths of the log, about a metre or more each.  Make the lengths different.  Three is a good gardening number, just enough to draw attention; two seems too formal.
  2. Paint the logs white.
  3. Dig a hole and arrange the logs at various angles, with about 40 cm of log below ground.
  4. Pour in the rapid set concrete and add water.
  5. Once the concrete has set, place the bowls on top of each pole and drill a large hole through the bowl and into the wood.  Attach the bowls using large galvanised coach-screws.
  6. Mark out a circle around the poles.
  •  Flower Ring
  1. Dig out the grass within the circle.
  2. Place plastic lawn edging around the perimeter of the circle.
  3. Fill the circle with potting mixture.
  4. Add plants. 
Mushrooms and Flower Ring
  • White spots
  1. Lightly sand bowls.
  2. Spray with grey primer, leave to dry for one hour.
  3. Spray with white paint, leave to dry for one hour.
  4. Stick on bottle lids using double sided tape.
  5. Spray with red paint, leave to dry for one hour.
  6. Gently remove the bottle lids.

Play Time

More Project Ideas
Do your garden fairies need houses?  Then visit the Miniature Painted Brick Village project.