- Metal tubing
- PVC piping (small enough gauge to fit inside the metal tubing)
- Chain
- Metal strip
- Cable ties
- Metal tech screws
- Cut various lengths of metal tubing using a hacksaw. (I cut seven.) If your ears are tuned to musical notes you may like to try using a tuner app. on your smart phone to get the lengths to play notes by shortening the lengths through trial and error; start with the longest length first.
- Use an hacksaw or bolt cutters to cut lengths of chain long enough to hang down through the metal tubing to the bottom of the tubing.
- Cut lengths of PVC piping about 3 cm in length, one for each metal tube.
- Drill through the top of the tubing, on one side only, to fit a metal tech screw through the metal tubing, PVC piping, and chain, and into the other side of the PVC piping.
- Attach each of the pieces to one long length of chain. Attach the chain by cutting through one side of a link of the chain, feeding through a link on the other chain, and then closing the gap by squeezing with pliers.
- Cut a long length of chain to attach the metal strip used to strike the metal tubes. Attach the chain through a drilled hole in the metal strip.
- String the whole chime up using cable ties.
Play Time
More Project Ideas
Now for some white-noise from the Pond project.